Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Venturing to new ground

Last week I took the leap and decided to jump into DS106 an open, "headless" course on digital storytelling. A good friend and amazing mentor, Beth Dailey, inspired me to think deeper and learn more about storytelling as an instructional strategy.  With my interest in instructional technology the mix of technology and storytelling brought me to the want to explore digital storytelling.

I am working through Unit 1: Bootcamp this week and will post my reflections later in the week, but I just completed my first daily create and wanted to share.  I selected one at random and  I was assigned to write a poem and tweet it at 11:00 am.  Well I did not complete it on the exact day since it was random, but I did write a 140 character or less poem and tweet it.

Here is my Tweet.

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